Fidgety Bridget Wrigglesworth


Is your child the type who can’t keep still in class?

Are they always in trouble for wriggling and squirming?

If that’s the case, you have our deepest sympathy but help is on the way from the Monstrous Morals team. Fidgety Bridget Wrigglesworth is a story about a little girl whose fidgeting drives everyone mad and she is told by her Great Aunt Rose that she has ants in her pants. That sets the scene for a night-time visit by The Anthill Mob – giant ants which emerge from Bridget’s bedroom drawer and take her to work as a slave in an ant-hill. The Queen Ant, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Great Aunt Rose, is extremely pompous and demanding and Bridget is so exhausted she no longer fidgets. Then she makes friends with two little ants who are so much nicer than all the others. They have strange accents and look strangely familiar. One is called Ant and the other is called Dick. (It was going to be Ant and Dec but we decided not to play it legally safe!)

As in all the Monstrous Morals stories, there is a lovely, happy ending, with Bridget finding her way home and learning her lesson.

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