Welcome to my online bookstore!
I hope you enjoy browsing my site and find books you’ll love to share with your loved ones. I carefully handpicked these books, and I hope they stay on your bookshelves, to be enjoyed by your little ones and generations to come. Some books include reading tips, topics, and activities to explore with your children. For independent readers and young adults, let me know if you have found something to treasure on my site or if there’s something you wish you could find. Should I add a section for hard-to-find books? I’m just an email away, or you can message me via the Contact Form on the home page.
“I’ve always been enthusiastic about books that inspire and stir us to dream, dream, and dream.”
Thank you for visiting my bookstore and I hope you find books that you’ll keep close to your heart and enjoy with your family for many, many years.
My Story so far …
If you have stayed a while on my site, you probably have guessed my store name is a translation of my name, Corazón, which is a Spanish name meaning “the heart.” I have always loved books, and dreams of becoming a writer came naturally. I wrote for children where anything could happen, and the “what ifs” in my mind always led to awesome adventures and out-of-this-world crazy stories.
To formally begin my writing journey, I studied Writing Stories for Children with the New Zealand Institute of Business Studies, graduating with Excellence in 2013.
Fast forward to the present, my first picture book, MY CRAZY CAT was born and Heart Reads came soon after.
Please support my new book, What Makes A Witch. Follow a young girl’s enchanting journey to discover her inner magic. Grab your copy now!
Books by Corazon Ramos