The Whale Rider
In the classic novel ‘Whale Rider,’ set in the picturesque East Coast village of Whangara, New Zealand, a young girl named Kahu emerges as an unlikely heroine. Despite her grandfather, Koro Apirana, insisting that leadership of the tribe is a male inheritance, Kahu feels a profound connection to her ancestors and a deep-seated destiny to lead. Her conviction grows stronger when a pod of whales becomes beached nearby, signaling a dire crisis only she believes she can resolve. As Kahu steps up in an effort to save both the whales and her people, she must overcome traditional expectations and prove her leadership abilities. Celebrating its 50th anniversary in the Popular Penguin format, ‘Whale Rider’ is a stirring tale of determination, cultural heritage, and the powerful bonds between humans and nature, penned by a master storyteller.
1 in stock
Witi Ihimaera
Bind: Paperback
Pages: 192
Release Date NZ: 31/07/2023
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